The Melbourne UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education provides a platform from which research and professional networks grow, not only within Melbourne, but across Australia and in collaboration with other Arts Observatories within South East Asia. The Observatory provides avenues for deep engagement and affiliation across this network, and serves as an umbrella for classroom teachers, arts educators, artists and researchers to collaboratively explore arts practice. As part of the Observatory, we host an artist-in-residence program and will be hosting ten artists and designers from Central Asia next week.
Some information on the Kyrgyz artist-in-residence
The Kyrgyz Republic is an independent country located in the very heart of Central Asia in the neighbourhood with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China. The Kyrgyz, one of the ancient people of Central Asia, have rich traditional arts and crafts. UNESCO has safeguarded Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’, and we will have an opportunity to learn more about this important work during the visit.
The Kyrgyz artists are in residence from Monday 13th to Saturday 17th August. Proudly, we will also be exhibiting the work of Kyrgyz Photographer, Urmat Osmoev across the week.
Please find below registration details for the upcoming ticketed events at the UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education. There are 3 formal and ticketed events:
Welcome drinks
Wednesday 15 August 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
studioFive, Level 5, Kwong Lee Dow Building
Please register here
Hands on making workshops and presentation:
Tuesday afternoon making workshop and discussion about Kyrgyz culture, art and design. We invite students, artists, crafts people and interested colleagues to join us in this amazing opportunity to learn about Central Asian arts, crafts and design.
Wednesday 15 August 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Visual Arts Studio
studioFive, Level 5, Kwong Lee Dow Building
This workshop will focus on
- Traditional felt toys and amulets, with designer Aidai Chochunbaeva.
- Ethnic dolls of felt, with designer Erkebu Djumagulova
- Ala-kiyiz, Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets, with designer Aidai Chochunbaeva
Please register here
Saturday afternoon making in the Kyrgyz Arts and Crafts Workshop includes:
Saturday 18 August 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
studioFive, Level 5, Kwong Lee Dow Building
- Kyrgyz textile jewellery, with fashion designer Tatiana Vorotnikova
- The “nuna felt” scarf making, with designer Kadyrkul Sharshembieva
- Eco-prints on felt, with designer Iniskhan Turgankazieva
Please register here
We are very lucky to have the following artists and designers here on this visit:
- Tatiana Vorotnikova – fashion designer
- Erkebu Djumagulova – designer
- Galina Turdyeva – designer
- Aidai Chochunbaeva – designer
- Altynai Osmoeva – fashion designer
- Iniskhan Turgankazieva – designer
- Kadyrkul Sharshembieva – designer
- Zhanybek Sharshembiyev – artisan
- Urmatbek Osmoev – book designer, photographer