How do we showcase the work of our excellent craftspersons on the world stage? Join us for an open discussion about two key international platforms for Australian craft: World Crafts Council and Homo Faber.
- Date: Tuesday 13 August 17:00 – 18:00 AEST
- Zoom registration here
Everything you wanted to know about the World Crafts Council.
- What is it?
- How is it structured?
- What does it do?
- What role does Australia play in it?
- How does it benefit Australian craftspersons?
- How are craft products granted an Award of Excellence?
- How Australian craft masters selected?
- Which city will become the first Australian World Craft City?
The World Crafts Council was founded 60 years ago, prompting the creation of the Crafts Association of Australia, from which emerged all the crafts councils representing states and territories.
Join current representatives to learn about the venerable history of the organisation, its many programs, future plans and the profound experience of world craft.
- Kevin Murray – Vice-President, World Crafts Council – International
- Jude van der Merwe – South Pacific Vice-President (representing Australia), World Crafts Council – Asia Pacific Region
- Layla Walter – South Pacific Vice-President (representing New Zealand), World Crafts Council – Asia Pacific Region
- Lindy Joubert – Advisor, World Crafts Council – Asia Pacific Region

Homo Faber

Homo Faber is a guide to the world’s artisans hosted by the Michelangelo Foundation. The Australian section will be launched on 14 August.
- What is the purpose of the Homo Faber guide?
- How can craftspersons be featured?