As the world’s largest island, the Australian continent covers a massive area. The internal distances underpinned by a shared nationhood makes for a rich conversation. This is particularly so for the crafts, which draw strongly on local cultures and communities.
To activate this conversation, WoCCA initiates an event every two months on the second Tuesday. We invite interesting craft voices to tell us what’s happening in their neck of the woods (or beach or desert), followed by a coo-ee roundup of news from the different states and territories.
This is a one-hour Zoom event open to WoCCA members through a registration link sent in our email newsletter:
- 9 March 2021: Denise Ferris on the model of distributed craft education
- 4 May 2021: Tara Poole on Ballarat as a UNESCO Creative City for Craft and Folk Arts
- 13 July 2021: Kristie Phelan, new CEO at Sturt (register here)